For the past four years I have paid for the health care of my family and me. No corporation to cover a majority of the annual outlay. Not even a small business program to help. It has come 100% out of my pocket.

I hope you can have just a small understanding of what a strain this puts on us. I hope you can understand and forgive me for the anger I feel as the health care debate continues in Congress. I hope you can forgive me when I want to stand up and shout across both sides of the aisle imploring my fellow Americans to get over their partisan ego and help people like me. The people who pay their salary to represent my best interest. The best interest of the people who have suddenly found themselves on the wrong side of the economic downturn.

My best interest is affordable health care so my kids can go to the dentist when they need to. Affordable health care the enables my my wife to visit the doctor when she needs to. A plan under which I don’t have to put off seeking treatment because I don’t have the money to cover the high deductibles.

To all of you who say we don’t need reform, I invite you to sit on the sofa in my living room and discuss it with me. Don’t mind the holes in the fabric. I can’t afford a new sofa because I have to cover my prescription medication costs.

Forget the politics. Remember those who need help. Remember those of us who for many years have contributed countless billions to the system.

Please… let “me” go so you can help ME.